Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Time in a season

I decided to start selling some of the skin care products we use on Gavin "for sure". Woo Whoo! I'm super excited! The website is complete I just need to post photos of the products. Here are the "for sure" products I'll be selling until I figure out what all I want to sell since we literally use everything homemade (even our cleaning products).

  • Everyday Balm (can be used throughout the day 10+ times a day)
  • Diaper Butt (great for diaper rash or eczema breakout in the diaper area)
  • Sniffle Stopper (perfect for allergies, colds, and stuffy noses)
  • Baby Oil (it's baby oil)
  • Belly Rub Oil (for those expecting this helps fight stretch marks)
  • Soap Me (bar of soap)

Things you WILL NOT find in our products: Coconut, Soy,  Milk, Shea Butter, Acai, or Wheat

The ingredients we DO use: Olive Oil, Vegetable Oil, Jojoba Oil, Rice Bran Oil, Aloe Vera, Lavender, Peppermint Leaf, Glycerin (natural thickener), Sunflower Oil, and Cocoa (fruit of the cacao tree)

Because Gavin did once have an allergy to rice we will offer products without rice bran oil. Not to worry! I have especially designed this brand around those with food allergies and eczema. I know it's such a struggle finding products around your needs so I hope to make things much easier for you.

Okay, on another note...

Gavin's still doing great! We've been indoors a lot still because it's so darn hot outside. Did I mention we live in Texas? This heat is no joke. The only time I get out is when the sun's going down. I can not wait for Fall! 

I took his bottle away for 5 days (yippee) but then Dad gave in and gave him one while I was gone -_- so he's back on the dang bottle. I've tried putting his milk (Neocate Jr.) in his sippy but that doesn't help any. Looks like I'll have to take his bottle away cold turkey again. I just need to prepare myself mentally and physically before trying again lol! It's not easy guys! He's almost 2 and terrible two's have came a little early for us (tantrums). 

His "Mah-Mah" (my grandma/Gavin's great grandma) bought him a toddler potty seat and a two step stool as a "surprise gift" lol pushing us to potty train him She say's all her kids could go potty by the age of one. Geez!! So we have started potty training as of last week but with my husband's work schedule it's a little harder to have him help train Gavin. I put him on the potty a few times throughout the day... hopefully he'll be potty trained in no time!

Oh wait! Important to know! We had a visit with his allergist last week! On man. I almost forgot to include this in my post (shame on me). The doctor said he looks amazing then he asked, "What does his meal plan look like?" (where's the big cheesy smiley at!) I couldn't be any more excited to tell him, "he eats anything and everything!" He couldn't believe it. Heck, I sometimes can't either lol. We choose NOT to give him eggs just yet because of his anaphylaxis last year and we dont do cow's milk. He even said it's been a bad summer for his eczema patients so he was impressed with Gavin.

As we were leaving... literally right before the doors leading outside I felt a tug from my gut telling me to go to the bathroom. I went ahead and changed Gavin's diaper while I was there and as I left the bathroom I saw a girl (a patient of Dr. Birds) waiting in the room where the restrooms were. She stopped and asked what Gavin was seeing Dr. Bird for... and as we were talking I couldn't help but to notice her entire body was covered in extremely dry skin at least 90% of her body just like Gavin's skin before he was healed. I knew it was chronic eczema. She must have been at least 14-16 years old. It broke my heart. I asked if I could pray for her and so I did. She said she felt a tingle in her body as I was praying for her and I truly believe that was the power of God. I've come to a part in life where if I see someone who needs healing I WILL stop, pull over if I have to, and pray for them.

I gave my life to God in 2009 but I've never been so close to him then I am now. I have truly devoted my entire life to God these past 20 months. I dont know how I made it day after day without Him. I'm just so greatful for Gavin's healing! When I get asked by friends or family what or how did Gavin clear up the first word that comes out of my mouth is, God. Even though all these products have helped along the way Jesus is who brought the products. Jesus is who healed him... I get no credit. All the glory to God. Where I would be embarrassed to pray over my meals in public I now feel the need to pray for others in public. My entire life has changed because of my son. I will never see life the same. I'm grateful just to wake up to another day with him. Gavin was brought in my life as my son and because of him I'm a new person. God works in mysterious ways. We may not ever understand his ways but I've learned to understand his decisions will always be better then our own.

Even right after Gavin's healing I would ask God, "why did it take so long? why did you let us go through all this for so long?" I heard him say, "Had I healed him at your time right away like you asked, you would've never read your bible, you would've never fasted and prayed, you would've never forgave everyone who you thought did you wrong, you would've never repented of all your sins, you would've never made alone time just to cry out to me, you would've never humbled your heart, you would've never felt confident enough to pray for others, you would've never known I gave you healing hands, had I healed him just a few months before his healing you would've never had a Revelation chapter 4 expereince, had I healed him just a few days before his healing you would've never been grateful for the little things." I cry every time I think of all that we've been through. I'm crying now... but I now know God has a reason for everything. Your love is loyal. 

The photo on the left is a photo I posted months ago... that's what Gavin looked like most of his childhood up until just 2 months ago.

B&W photo was a few mornings ago :)

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