Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Sorry, I haven't blogged in a few days. Its been a very hectic past few days.

We were doing so well with the wraps. I was consistent and did them twice a day for 2 hours as instructed. I'm not sure where we went wrong.

I made a new face mask with a new (never used) wash cloth AND we ran out of the prescribed ointment the children's hospital in Houston prescribed us. It's like vasaline but made a little differently. When Gavin was 4 months old we tried applying vasaline to his body and it broke him out but we thought we would give it another shot so I did. I'm not really sure if the Vasaline broke him out but he broke out bad. Maybe not as bad as the photo I posted when he had goats milk but just about. The vasaline DID make him extra dry. His skin felt scaly and rough. I've stopped using the vasaline since and stopped putting his face mask on.

I'm still applying the wet wraps to his body and they seem to help but his eczema is still there since he's allergic to his formula milk.

Here's how it all works... because he has eczema and food allergies when he eats something he's allergic to he flares up and gets red. Thats called eczema. The doctor explained it as, "they don't work well together so try to keep them apart from each other." So when he gets an allergic reaction we are to start treating his eczema before it starts to get bad.

Today we saw a food allergy specialist. He was helpful but I've seen so many doctors I'm kind of like, "lets see what we'll have to re-do again today". He gave me a lot of helpful info on the wet wraps and more info on when to use the Epi Pen. We're currently having to buy gauze for the wet wraps which can get to be expensive when you need 4-5 a week at $8 each box. The doctor recommended a wet wrap suit which is $100. I think we might try it out.

New formula milk...
The food allergist switched his formula to Neocate Junior. Okay call me crazy but I got really emotional when he told me it would be the junior milk. I can't believe I'll have a 1 year old next Tuesday lol. Man, where did this year go?! He's lived such a stressful year but I know there will be better days soon. I have high hopes in the good Lord. Its all in a matter of time. Just waiting...

So I tried out the Neocate formula. The doctor gave us samples of Strawberry, Chocolate, Vanilla, and Tropical. I tried both the strawberry and chocolate and he HATES IT! I'm not giving up just yet! I'm going to keep trying everyday. 

A few days later...
He's now 100% on Neocate milk. He's use to it now, I guess. It's been exactly 1 week since we've seen the food allergist so that means 6 days off of "soy milk". I've read a lot of blogs and testimonies about soy milk formula taking a full 30 days till its fully out of his system. I have noticed his skin has been clearing a little more each day. He's just really dry but I'm sure the wet wraps can help with that.

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