Monday, October 13, 2014

Today is Monday! & DAY1

He ya'll. Today has been a pretty good day! Gavin woke up every 2 hours last night but only for a bottle then back to bed. He even slept till noon. Well, helllloooo to better days :) At first I was a little concerned because usually he sleeps till 10am the latest but I forgot my little monkey only had one nap that day.

Last nights schedule:
10pm Went to bed
12am bottle
2am bottle
4am bottle
6am bottle
8am bottle
10am bottle
12pm Woke up for the day

Gavin's pediatrician recommended we try something called the "wet wraps" method. However, when she brought it to my attention I was so beat up emotionally at that time. Gavin had just started getting severe eczema so my sleepless nights started and the scratching wouldn't stop. I felt like nothing would work so I didn't try it.

Well I came across another eczema mom's blog and I read she went to an actual hospital that did the wet wraps for her for 2 weeks (National Jewish Hospital in Denver, Colorado), and so I started researching. I've came across SO MANY testimonies! I got excited to start this on Gavin. I wasted no time and started today!

What are wet wraps?
You soak your child in a bath 2-3 times a day for 20 minutes. Put wet towels over there body while they're soaking in the tub. Get them out of the bath and put on a wet onesie (long sleeve) then put on a top layer of warm clothes.

I even put a wet wash cloth on his face and cut a hole in the middle so he can breath (obviously lol) then wrapped gauss around his face.

PLEASE don't get sad about this photo. I think it looks a lot worse on a photo then in person. He was actually pretty comfortable besides not being able to use his hands much. It was nap time...

DAY 1:
We plan on doing two a day since he already bathes three times a day. His morning wrap was a success! He actually didn't mind being in his wet suit. I had Elmo's World playing to distract him. His God Parents came by yesterday and dropped off some toys so that may have helped too since he had new things to play with. His Dad wasn't to happy but he'll have to get over it. I'm going to try everything I can. I KNOW there's a way to help my son.

If any of you have any resources or know of anything please feel free to comment.

Darn it. That reminds me, I should've done a before photo so I can post it tomorrow along with the after. Welp, I'll have to remind myself tomorrow to do that.

Until tomorrow ya'll! <3

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